a froglok shin warrior

Full name a froglok shin warrior
Level 24
Race Froglok
Class Warrior
Main faction Frogloks of Guk
Health points 816
Damage 1 to 52
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Mesh Helm (Armor) - 2.5% (2.5% Global)
    2. Mesh Mask (Armor) - 2.25% (2.25% Global)
    3. Mesh Gorget (Armor) - 2.25% (2.25% Global)
    4. Mesh Tunic (Armor) - 2.25% (2.25% Global)
    5. Mesh Mantle (Armor) - 2.25% (2.25% Global)
    6. Mesh Girth (Armor) - 2.25% (2.25% Global)
    7. Mesh Armbands (Armor) - 2.25% (2.25% Global)
    8. Mesh Gauntlets (Armor) - 2.25% (2.25% Global)
    9. Mesh Leggings (Armor) - 2.25% (2.25% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Froglok Meat (Combinable) - 8.8% (8.8% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Mesh Cape (Armor) - 0.781% (0.781% Global)
    2. Mesh Bracers (Armor) - 0.625% (0.625% Global)
    3. Fine Steel Two Handed Sword (2HS) - 1.094% (1.094% Global)
    4. Fine Steel Scimitar (1HS) - 1.875% (1.875% Global)
    5. Fine Steel Warhammer (1HB) - 1.562% (1.562% Global)
    6. Fine Steel Morning Star (1HB) - 1.562% (1.562% Global)
    7. Fine Steel Dagger (Piercing) - 0.938% (0.938% Global)
    8. Fine Steel Spear (Piercing) - 1.875% (1.875% Global)
    9. Fine Steel Rapier (Piercing) - 0.938% (0.938% Global)
    10. Ice of Velious (Combinable) - 0.156% (0.156% Global)
    11. Jade Shard (Combinable) - 0.156% (0.156% Global)
    12. Steel Knuckles (Martial) - 0.625% (0.625% Global)
    13. Weighted Gloves (Martial) - 0.469% (0.469% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Fine Steel Long Sword (1HS) - 2.656% (2.656% Global)
    2. Fine Steel Short Sword (1HS) - 2.344% (2.344% Global)
    3. Fine Steel Great Staff (2HB) - 2.5% (2.5% Global)
    4. Froglok Eye (Gems) - 2% (2% Global)
    5. Froglok Leg (Gems) - 2% (2% Global)
    6. Froglok Poison Gland (Combinable) - 2% (2% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The City of Guk

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with