Enraged Scarecrow

Full name Enraged Scarecrow
Level 62
Race Scarecrow
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS
Health points 275,000
Damage 350 to 650
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Warblade of the Fallen (1HS) - 10% (10% Global)
    2. Silverflank Belt (Armor) - 10% (10% Global)
    3. Shield of Striding (Shield) - 10% (10% Global)
    4. Frightforged War Mask (Armor) - 10% (10% Global)
    5. Envenomed Mask of Hunting (Armor) - 10% (10% Global)
    6. Goo Covered Knights Blade (1HS) - 10% (10% Global)
    7. Diseased War Mace (1HB) - 10% (10% Global)
    8. Forlorn Hero's Blade (2HS) - 10% (10% Global)
    9. Sanguine Tome (Gems) - 10% (10% Global)
    10. Sanguine Wand (Gems) - 10% (10% Global)
    11. Battered Stein (1HB) - 10% (10% Global)
    12. Earring of Pain (Jewelry) - 10% (10% Global)
    13. Focused Ethereal Earring (Armor) - 10% (10% Global)
    14. Totem of Fear (Gems) - 2% (2% Global)
    15. Emblem of Fear (Armor) - 2% (2% Global)
    16. Greenblood Zombie's Wand (Armor) - 10% (10% Global)
    17. Ethereal Satchel of Gathering (Gems) - 5% (5% Global)
    18. Spooky Stone Totem (Armor) - 10% (10% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Small Pumpkin (Gems) - 30% (30% Global)
    2. Large Pumpkin (Gems) - 20% (20% Global)